JPS Labs Super Aluminata Speaker Jumpers for Bowers & Wilkins 800 D3, 802 D3, and 803 D3 models
Since JPS Labs makes some of the finest cables money can buy for the Bower and Wilkins loudspeakers it seemed fitting to create custom aftermarket speaker terminal jumpers to replace the stock parts.
We take a solid OFC copper and CNC machine each round jumper in-house to perfectly fit the terminals on the latest B&W 800, 802, and 803 D3 speaker models. After trying various plated finishes the best sound was obtained with none, simpler is better.
We then apply a special surface finish designed to smoothen and conform to the speaker terminal, and each jumper is hand-rubbed with a contact enhancer treatment to help preserve the finish and further improve conductivity.
Included is a set of 4 jumpers (2 per speaker is required). You may also order a set of 2 for a single center channel speaker.
Made in USA